It’s an illegal practice that has unfortunately become more and more common in recent years, damaging everyone: the environment, consumers and really green companies. Let’s see in detail what it is and how Oltremateria, instead, is really eco-friendly.
Today being green is trending both among people and among companies.
The latter, above all, often feign a particular attachment to the environment, ecology and the planet to gain attention and benevolence from consumers.
Here, this is the phenomenon of greenwashing: many companies profess to be eco-friendly when they really are not.
We can define it, without fear of denial, a deceptive marketing practice that is put in place to fake a particular commitment to the environment to capture those consumers attentive to sustainability issues.
The aim is, therefore, double: to increase the company’s reputation and increase turnover through an enlargement of customers.
There are many examples.
We think of simple communication operations where philosophies or mission green are professed that remain only in words.
Or marketing initiatives that hide absolutely negative business uses.
Let’s imagine the classic case of the gadget of the water bottle to reduce the consumption of plastic when instead the company during production does not pay attention to avoid waste in this sense.
The phenomenon has hit everywhere, even in Italy.
In the past, some beverage companies used to advertise that their bottles were eco-friendly and had no impact on the environment.
Too bad that it did not correspond to the truth and this involved an intervention of the Authority Guarantor of the Competition and the Market that sanctioned the responsible companies.
Clearly it is a phenomenon that is still current but that has never concerned Oltremateria.
Our mission has always been to create continuous water-based surfaces or using certified recycling material.
In this way, we respect the environment and aim to improve health and quality of life through our eco-friendly materials preventing the main diseases resulting from indoor and outdoor pollution.
Our vision, in fact, is to work to respect the environment and to increase more and more the circular economy that involves a reduction in the consumption of raw materials and pollution. All this to live better today and build the foundation for future generations.
They may be simple words, but Oltremateria is used to talking with facts.
The latter are represented by the numerous worldwide certification bodies that have analyzed our products.
They could attest to the use of real recycling material or how Ecopur has ionizing effects of the air as well as preventing bacterial and viral proliferation through totally natural inerts.
Japanese laboratories then certified the very low emission of VOC and the absence of formaldehyde emissions while the Green Building Council recognizes how Oltremateria products contribute to improving the ecological footprint of buildings.
These are just some of the “facts” that we, in Oltremateria, have put in place: the rest can be found on the page ECO-CERTIFICATIONS on our site.
Live Nature, choose Oltremateria.
You will help to offer healthier environments to those who live them daily, thanks to truly green products!