Have you ever noticed how the air is cleaner after a storm and how it feels better? It is the effect caused by the ionization. Ecopur used at home or in the office reproduces the same benefits.
Populations have always noticed how people’s mood or state of health changes during particular seasonal or atmospheric events: from trivial headaches to respiratory or behavioral disorders.
Constant air pollution, in the city and in the workplace, has further exploded a new range of pathological processes directly related to the ionic modification of the air.
Numerous studies have determined how this is due to an increase in positive ions in the air.
If the increase is of negative ions, however, there are positive effects on people’s health.
The negatively charged ions are mainly due to the ionization of the oxygen present in the air we breathe and it is they who promote the maintenance of health.
The ionization process occurs in nature, as well as through the electrical discharges of thunderstorms, spontaneously, thanks to the action of ultraviolet rays or cosmic rays.
The excess of negative ions has several health benefits, in particular:
- Normalization of blood pressure,
- Positive changes in hemodynamic parameters (reduction in the oxidation rate of erythrocytes).
- Improvement of tissue breathing processes.
- Regularization of the exchange of vitamins (B1, B6, PP, C).
- Increase in the level of oxygen in the blood.
- Increase of the thermoregulation capacity.
- Regularization of the cardiovascular and motor systems;
- Increase of the capacity of resistance to overloads of the vestibular system
Natural conditions have been modified by modern life and humans very frequently find themselves experiencing deteriorated ionic conditions with a significantly increased positive and negative ion ratio in favor of positive ions.
The presence of small atmospheric ions is further reduced by central heating, by the use of air conditioning, by smoke, by static electricity (created, for example, by the considerable use of synthetic fibers), by electric fields.
It has been found that negative ions can be produced in a similar way to what happens in nature with lightning, with the difference that the artificially produced ions are exclusively negative thus bringing beneficial effects.
On the basis of numerous studies, the Oltremateria laboratories have created Ecopur, an eco-resin certified by the major world bodies.
Ecopur emits negative ions that help purify the air in the rooms, 24 hours a day, both in the dark and in the presence of light, without consuming energy, unlike sanitizing appliances that require electricity.
It can be applied on walls, floors, furniture, parquet, natural stone, metals, wallpaper and furnishing accessories, giving the rooms a plus of well-being.
It also creates a physical barrier against bacterial and viral proliferation.
For these reasons, as well as for domestic environments, use in public environments, such as hotels, schools, hospitals and communities, is strongly recommended, giving the surfaces and the environment a plus of well-being.
Ecopur: protects, purifies and paints.