The importance of certification and the path to obtain it
Usually the input for a company to start the certification process is a request that comes from a customer or the need to participate in calls for tenders or enter the list of suppliers of other companies.
Product certification is governed by industry standards or equivalent standards and constitutes, for the final purchaser, a sort of direct insurance which certifies that a product or service meets all the required requirements.
Who certifies the perfect compliance is the certification body, that is an accredited third party.
Basically there are 4 elements needed to complete the path:
1) The company that prepares the company specification;
2) The product subject to certification with characteristics that must be measurable and / or certifiable;
3) The accredited certification body;
4) The regulatory specifications, which may vary and be a reference standard, or a document created by the Certification Body or filed with it
Oltremateria has always stood out for its attention to the quality of raw materials and its products with particular attention to the environment.
This philosophy has led her to carefully follow several certification paths at Italian and foreign bodies.
Precisely for this reason, each Oltremateria product is accompanied by multiple and primary certifications that attest to its quality, thus guaranteeing the buyer of the quality of the product purchased.
To receive the certificates of Oltremateria products click here.
Fill out the form and you will receive the required documents.