CONPAVIPER is the national trade association for continuous paving companies. Among the partners enters Oltremateria.
The companies active in the fields of industrial flooring, resinous coatings and support screeds have a reference association: CONPAVIPER.
Born in 2003 from the union of two previous associations CON.PAV.I. (Italian Association of Industrial Pavimentists) and A.I.P.E.R. (Italian Association of Flooring and Wall Coverings) has a very precise objective.
Create an institutional entity that can give a total and incisive voice to the entire sector and then promote and disseminate the indications for the development of materials and equipment, how to proceed with the application and how to use industrial floors.
CONPAVIPER has obtained legal recognition and brings together well over 100 companies, of all sizes, that are active in the realization of floors, dedicated materials or that provide consulting and design services.
But what are the purposes of CONPAVIPER?
Provide protection to members also through assistance and information services;
To promote all the activities that can spread the knowledge of a correct use of industrial floors and coverings, usable also in the civil field;
Research and development activities to improve materials, equipment and application methods;
Drafting of scientific texts and documents related to the field;
Training activities for all professionals in the sector.
“We received the visit from the inspectors of CONPAVIPER – starts Loris Casalboni, CEO Oltremateria. They spent some time with us during which they carefully examined our company, viewed our products and their characteristics and interacted with the staff.
They were able to appreciate the culture, care and care for the environment that we then transport in our continuous surfaces, as well as the quality of the achievements that can be achieved and the benefits that derive from it for the health of people. Do not forget that our products are all certified by numerous national and foreign bodies”.
This led CONPAVIPER to welcome Oltremateria among its members.
“To become part of such an important body is, for us, a source of pride but also of considerable responsibility – continues Casalboni. With our continuous eco-surfaces we will certainly contribute in a concrete way to the well-being of living”