Loris Casalboni, Oltremateria’s co-founder, will take the chair at the Neapolitan University for a cycle of seminars.
Oltremateria ‘s President , Mr. Loris Casalboni, has been invited on June 25th at the prestigious and ancient university of Naples “Federico II” to the Training Seminar “GREENBUILDING: Continuous decorative surfaces and eco-sustainable architecture”.
The seminar, mainly intended for students and doctoral students to whom it will recognize educational credits, will also see the presence of teachers, architects and designers.
The invitation was formalized by Arch. Della Corte, head of the Architecture and Design Department and the scientific director Arch. Florio after the innovative and eco-friendly products of Oltremateria were presented to them by Arch. Serra from Archemotion (important architectural firm of Pozzuoli and reference point for the design of new spaces in the Retail, Contract and Home Furniture sectors).
The meeting will be held at the University where the physical and virtual material library of the Department of Architecture of the Federico II University has been set up, which deals with teaching, experimentation and research in the field of innovation as well as the application of materials. and industrial products for architecture and sustainable design.
Loris Casalboni’s speech will concern “Design and Wellbeing“.
Starting from the company mission, that is to build and live green for a low environmental impact and the well-being of people, it will focus on the continuous eco-friendly surfaces of Oltremateria and on their technical and eco-compatibility characteristics.
These are the result of years of research and development that have made it possible to create products certified by national and international laboratories.
They are all free of gypsum, cement and epoxy resins as well as being water-based or sunflower oil as is the case with Oleomalta.
It will also be an opportunity to present and deepen to the public of professionals Ecopur, the eco-resin that ionizes and purifies the air and which is also equipped with active ingredients that prevent bacterial and viral proliferation, even of the most resistant viruses such as the Coronaviruses.